Remote Management IBM RSA - PCI
Nejde o RSA II kartu. Toto je "první verze" IBM RSA karty. Pro reset hesla stačí odpojit baterku, která je ve žluté
škatulce na kartě asi na 10 sekund. Jsou tam malé plastové packy tak pozor ať je nepolámete. Defaultní konto/heslo
je USERID/PASSW0RD kde místo O ve slově password je nula 0.
This is not RSA II version. It is "first version" of IBM RSA card.
To reset password to USERID/PASSW0RD it is just enough to remove battery for a 10 seconds. Battery is located in yellow
cover and it is connected to the chip below by four pins. There are four plastic hooks so handle it carrefully to avoid
breaking them.