A relative good food for the youngest small fishes. But it could be danger for
some delicate fish sorts due to a higher content of ammonia. The biggest advantage
of this fish food is the quick disposability and easy deposition.
I "cooked" it in half litre glass beaker plunged into an aquarium with the
temperature about 24C. The expression "cooked" was used because in the beaker
is very strong air stream and the water inside rotate and artemia eggs are
like on whirligig. In the beaker is about 0.4 litre of water, two teaspoons
of kitchen salt and about a quarter of teaspoon of artemia eggs.
I start to grow it at about 13:00 and it was ready to serve as a food for
my fishes at 10:00 next morning. After stopping the air stream in the water
and after a while the orange artemias stayed on the bottom and they were
sucked by a syringe with small tube. Then the content of the syringe is
spirted to a piece of cloth where the artemia stays already without salt
water and it is possible to pick up it by a teaspoon and to serve it to our
customers. But it is necessary to serve only the amount which can be eaten
in few minutes!